Crossing the Border from Israel to Jordan

By Bein Harim Team | Published on 8/1/2023

Your Jordan Adventure is about to begin! Thank you for choosing Bein Harim Tours; Soon you will marvel at the lost city of Petra - but first, let's cross into the Kingdom of Jordan. Don’t worry, it will take just 2 steps!

We hope you'll enjoy your way to the border. If you arrive by one of our tour buses, note that there will be one stop for breakfast along the way – and you should definitely grab a bite (not included in the product price); lunch will be late and we don't want you to go hungry. If you arrive by flight or from the southern city of Eilat, you should eat before departure. Now, let's cross over to Jordan!  

Step 1: The Israeli side of the Border

You'll need a couple of documents: Crossing Fee Voucher and Border Inspection approval. Our crossing representative will get your Crossing Voucher from the payment counters to the right. Your Voucher looks like this – don't lose it! 

Crossing the Border from Israel to Jordan

Meanwhile, you'll need to go through Passport Control, located on the left. Travelers with Smart/Biometric Passports can use them in automated border pass machines, stationed between the payment and control counters.

Crossing the Border from Israel to Jordan- Passport Control

 Now you'll have both documents – and get a guided tour identification bracelet – Blue for 1-Day tours, and Pink for 2-Day tours; you're all set and can move forwards to the Jordanian side.

Crossing the Border from Israel to Jordan- Guided tour identification bracelet


Step 2: The Jordanian side of the Border

You'll cross the gate and walk into a long shaded path, leading to the Jordanian Passport control.

 Crossing the Border from Israel to Jordan- Step 2: The Jordanian side of the Border

Organized Tour groups cross the Border only with their dedicated local crossing guide – yours will be Zaid– and only after every group member is present. Make sure your Group bracelet is visible on your wrist.

 Crossing the Border from Israel to Jordan- Control area

Once you reach the control area, tell the Control Officers you're with a Guided Tour Group – and That Zaid is your guide. 

It might take up to 30 minutes until your guide and the rest of the group gather, and crossing will commence. Don't worry, there are bathrooms and an on-premise Duty-Free shop. 

Your Guide will brief you about Border Fees: Travelers who signed up for a single/2-Day tour will pay $125. You need to pay using an exact amount of cash (USD/EU/NIS). Travelers who possess a valid visa stamp or do not require a visa will pay $65.

From start to finish, the entire crossing process could take over an hour. 

Crossing the Border from Israel to Jordan- Travelers

Feel free to contact your guide for any questions, or just give us a call at +972-3-5422000 | or text us on Whatsapp at +972-52-6588837

Are You Ready?

This Petra Guided Tour was planned by experts who truly love traveling, and knows every stone of the route you'll take. Feel free to ask about History, Geography, Culture, and more. 

Thanks for choosing Bein Harim Tours, this trip is going to be awesome!

If you want to check out more amazing guided tours to Petra and Jordan, Just click here

We also have some exceptional tours in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, the Dead Sea, Masada, Northern Israel, and more. 

No wonder 25% of tourists looking for organized tours, packages, and private experiences choose Bein Harim Tours every year!